The above illustrations were done when I was down with malaria, sitting at home and was enjoying boredom doing the hoola-hoops for me in front of my my bed-ridden eyes.
This concept of a wooden man longing for his loved one jumped out at me when I heard Joseph Arthur's song "Honey and the Moon" for the 'n'th time that day.
medium: water soluble colour pencils and a wet brush
The saddest part is he's made of wood and sitting on a tree stump!!!
ahh... yes!!! the grains of wood... the concealed symbology.... that WAS indeed ur prime dipu...
Louwely work polt. Heyyy. This should be disney's new film. 'POLT'. hahaha. Though in the second one I guess there's toooo much texture and jarring colors. Something needs to be toned down, I guess.
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